by APMP GMC | Aug 1, 2023 | Blog Article, GMC Blog
Have you ever seen a post on Linkedin with a headline like: “Your personal purpose is a symphony waiting to be composed, each note harmonizing to create a masterpiece that resonates with your soul.” Or, this gem: “Discovering your personal purpose is...
by APMP GMC | May 18, 2023 | Blog Article, GMC Blog, Uncategorized
In the highly competitive world of government and commercial contracting, overall bid campaign and proposal development are critical components of winning business. The quality of a proposal can make or break a company’s chances of securing the contract. With...
by APMP GMC | May 10, 2023 | Blog Article, GMC Blog
Effective proposal organizations include built-in mechanisms (both formal and informal) to continually develop and refine individual and team capabilities. This post offers a handful of tactics for leaders to consider in the long-term growth and sustainment of their...
by APMP GMC | Apr 24, 2023 | GMC Blog
With more than 11 years of experience in proposal development, I’ve seen a lot of ways of doing proposals. Like many of you, I’ve even seen the way of simply not having a way. That is, I’ve worked for organizations with a methodical process and those with no process...
by APMP GMC | Apr 24, 2023 | GMC Blog
As members of APMP, we know the Book of Knowledge tells us, “Graphics improve recollection up to 86% and communicate faster than text alone.” That said, not all of us are graphics wizzes and may not have access to a graphic designer full time to support our proposals....
by APMP GMC | Apr 24, 2023 | GMC Blog, Uncategorized
Over the last few years, we have experienced an increase in remote work and many of us have opted to continue working remotely on a regular basis. While remote work can offer better flexibility and work-life balance, the transitions that come with becoming a parent...