Win Themes with a Capital L

Win Themes with a Capital L

By Mercedez L. Thompson, MA, CP APMP, Shipley BDC All too often, we hear about the importance of win themes, but rarely do we consider how they could actually undermine our chances of securing the next big win. I’m talking Lose Themes and how some teams manage to...
Four Minutes I’ll Never Get Back

Four Minutes I’ll Never Get Back

By Kati Schoenwitz, CF APMP, Shipley BDC I’ll admit it – I didn’t care about the solar eclipse. Based in southwest Michigan, I wasn’t in the path of totality. I’ve also never been much into astronomy and the concept of space kind of freaks me out. I remember working...
Letter from the President (Megan Kean: 2023)

Letter from the President (Megan Kean: 2023)

By Megan (Kean) Hall, CF APMP Hello, fellow GMC members! The phrase “I can’t believe it’s December!” is used almost daily in my household, and I chuckle inside when I hear fellow Board members verbalize the same in our monthly calls. This year certainly did fly by...